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2014 dse eng writting
Part A compulsory
Write about 200 words.

The Local History Newsletter is a newsletter about the history of Hong Kong. Every month, it prints short articles about special places in Hong Kong. you have been asked to write an article about an old village called Lucky Village. Write your article using the three headings provided. you can use the headings in any order.

~~~ life in Lucky village 40 years ago

~~~ an event that changed Lucky Village

~~~ What Lucky Village is famous for

Part B choose 1 out of 8 questions

1. Learning English through Sports Communication

A local fitness centre is being renovated. As the chairperson of your school's Sports Club,write a letter to ask the fitness centre to donate some of their old equipment to your school. In your letter, describe how the donation could benefit your school and the fitness centre.

2. Learning English through Drama

Your school has received a complaint from City Hall about the poor behaviour of a group of your Drama Club members who attended a drama performance last week. You are the chairperson of your school's Drama Club and you have  been asked by your teacher to write an email to your Club members regarding the complaint. Write the email yo your Club members.

3. Learning English through Social Issues

Some people believe that filming movies in the city centre should not be allowed. Others support it. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily giving your opinions. Provide three reasons to supprot your point of view.

4. Learning English through Debating

Currently, only a small number of students in your school have access to school lockers. As the chairperson of the Student Union of your school, you have collected the views of students from different classes on this issue. Write a letter to Ms Lee, your school Principal, to persuade her to change the policy on lockers.

5. Learning English through Workplace Communication

The Hong Kong Daily is asking students to submit an article about their summer job experiences. You were employed as a costumed character performer in one of the local  theme parks last summer. In your article, write about your typical working day, and the good things and bad things  about your job. Write the article.

6. Learning English through Popular Culture

You recently attended a stand-up comedy show and you were impressed by the performance. Write an article for your school magazine describing the show, discussing the challenges such performers might face and how students at school can benefit from watching such a performance.

7. Learning English through Poems and Songs

You took part in the Hong Kong Poetry Festival. you have been asked by your teacher to write an article for your school magazine about how you prepared for the competition and what you learned from this experience.

8. Learning English through Short stories

you are taking a creative writing workshop and you have to submit the following assignment:

Imagine you are a university student living in a student hall. Your roommate has suddenly decided to leave. Write a short story describing the events that led up to your roommate's sudden departure.

HKDSE 2015 English Language Paper 2 Question No.4
Many parents in Hong Kong are sending their children to other countries to completetheir schooling. Write an article for your school magazine examining tworeasons for this phenomenon. You should also discuss the impact of this onlocal schools and on children who leave to study overseas.

2016 DSE English paper 2 questions
Part A

1. You are the President of the Student Union at your school. You are preparing a speech to welcome new students on the first day of school. In order to help students achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, you want to talk about the following in your speech:

-importance of following school rules; and

-importance of interpersonal relationships.

The first part of the speech has been written for you. Finish the speech.

Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students,

On behalf of the Students’ Union, I’d like to welcome all of you to our school. I am sure we all want to achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, so this morning I’d like to give you some advice.

Part B

2. Learning English through Sports Communication

Because of the lack of sports facilities, some people in your community have suggested that schools should allow the public to use their sports facilities after school hours.

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily stating your opinion. Support your opinion with three reasons.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication

Many Hong Kong graduates complain about the lack of employment opportunities in the city. It has been suggested that graduates who fail to find a job in Hong Kong could look for opportunities in other cities in Asia. Do you support this suggestion?

Write an article for your school magazine expressing your views. Give three reasons to support your views. Provide an appropriate title for your article.

4. Learning English through Debating 

It has recently been reported that some parents in Asian countries are installing apps on their children’s mobile phones that monitor their activities to ensure that they use theses devices responsibly.

Write a letter to the Young Post stating whether you agree with these parents’ actions or not. Justify your position with three reasons.

5. Learning English through Social Issues

The Hong Kong Daily is holding an essay competition for secondary school students on the theme ‘Hong Kong’s Disappearing Street Life’. The aim is to promote youth awareness of the need to preserve unique aspects of Hong Kong culture. Entries must focus on one aspect of local street life or culture that is fast disappearing and suggest why it is worth preserving.

Write your essay.

6. Learning English through Short Stories

One of the planned activities for the Creative Writing Week at your school is a short writing competition. The theme for this year’s competition is ‘Revenge is Sweet’.

Write your story.

7. Learning English through Popular Culture 

The Hong Kong Youth Association s organising a Youth Festival to showcase popular youth trends in Hong Kong. Write a proposal for the Festival suggesting one or two trends popular with young people. You should explain how you would present these trends at the festival and justify the way you plan to present your ideas.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs

A famous songwriter once said, ‘Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power’.

How important is it for us to acknowledge the challenges we face and find ways to cope with them? Write an essay explaining your opinion with relevant examples from your personal experience.

9. Learning English through Drama

As a Form Six student, you are considering educational opportunities after your HKDSE. One option you have selected is the Hong Kong Academy for Performing arts, as you want to take up acting career. However, your parents would like you to pursue an academic subject at another institution.

As the deadline for submitting the application is approaching, write an email to your parents, who are now on an overseas trip, to convince them to support your choice.


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